New Fishing Area Closures in Gulf of St. Lawrence
July 20, 2018
Source: Government closes more fishing zones after right whale sighting - CBC
The Canadian government has closed portions of four zones to fishing in the Gulf of St. Lawrence due to recent sightings of North Atlantic right whales in those areas. These closures mark the 20th fishing area closures of the year since new regulations were enacted to protect North Atlantic right whales. The fisheries affected include any of the following that are open in the area: snow crab, toad crab, rock crab, lobster, whelk, Greenland halibut (fixed gear) and winter flounder (fixed gear). All gear must be removed from the water in the affected zones by 10 am on Friday, July 20th.
Zone HC37 has been closed entirely and portions of zones HC36, HD36 and HD37 are closed as well
Map credit: DFO