DFO Investigating Traps Placed In Right Whale Protection Zones
July 7, 2018
Source: Fisheries department investigating after traps placed in right whale protection zones
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) in Canada has launched an investigation into whether 33 license holders violated measures protecting North Atlantic right whales after traps were set in areas closed to fishing. The investigations are ongoing but unfortunately it would not surprise us if the DFO found that fishermen violated the law. The industry has been belligerent and confrontational regarding these closures, believing that they should have to give their "consent" before the government closes fishing areas. There have also been angry protests and talk of violence from some crab fishermen.
If the investigation shows that the illegal placement of traps did occur then the government of Canada must come down hard and prosecute those involved to the fullest extent of the law. They must set an example to the world and show that this type of behavior is unacceptable and is a major threat to these whales. We will be following this investigation and will post updates as soon as we hear of them.