Fifth Calf of 2018-2019 Calving Season Sighted Off Florida
February 14, 2019
North Atlantic right whale #4180 and her calf, whose head can be seen just to the right of #4180, swim off the coast of Sebastian Inlet State Park in Sebastian, Florida on February 5, 2019.
credit: Ed Perry, Park Ranger, Sebastian Inlet State Park
The fifth North Atlantic right whale calf of the 2018-2019 calving season has been sighted off the coast of Florida. Volunteers at Sebastian Inlet State Park in Sebastian, Florida sighted the mother and her calf resting and nursing just off the beach on February 5, 2019. Ed Perry, a Park Ranger at Sebastian Inlet State Park, took photos that confirm the mother to be #4180, a North Atlantic right whale who is at least nine years old. This is her first known calf.
This birth is wonderful news for these highly endangered whales as there were only five births in 2017 with no births in 2018 and their numbers have dropped from an estimated 451 in 2016 to around 411 at the end of 2017 with 20 known deaths between 2017 and 2018. Five calves is still very low compared to previous years so we hope that the sightings of new calves continue and keep providing us with hope for the future of North Atlantic right whales. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is reminding boaters to give them a wide berth and to not approach if they see them. They are also asking people to report right whale sightings to 1-877-WHALE-HELP (877-942-5343).
Boomerang (#2503), a 24 year old North Atlantic right whale, swims with her calf off the coast of Daytona Beach Shores, Florida on February 5, 2019. This is her fourth known calf.
credit: Terry Clark, Marineland Right Whale Project
On the same day, further north, Boomerang (#2503) - the fourth mother of the year - was sighted with her calf off the coast of Daytona Beach Shores. It was particularly exciting because this was the first North Atlantic right whale sighting for the Marineland Right Whale Project in two and a half years. Boomerang and her calf were seen early in the morning near Sunglow Pier and by the early afternoon they were being seen from Frank Rendon Park.
Right whale spotted off Ormond, 5th right whale calf confirmed - The Daytona Beach News-Journal
FWC Fish and Wildlife Research Institute - Facebook post - 2/8/2019
Fourth North Atlantic Right Whale Calf of 2018-2019 Calving Season Sighted Off Georgia
Third North Atlantic Right Whale Calf of 2018-2019 Calving Season Sighted Off Florida
To find out more about what is happening to North Atlantic and North Pacific right whales and how we can all take actions in our everyday lives to protect them, please visit our Facts and Action sections on our website. We also post updates and pictures on Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter.