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We have compiled a list of books about North Atlantic right whales along with a list of children's books that teach children about various species and contain many great lessons for young readers - some of which inspired us personally when we were younger. We have a link to the page for these books where you can find more information about them and the AbeBooks link to see a list of online stores that sell each book. If you want to buy any of these at a local bookstore, has a state-by-state list of locally-owned, independent bookstores.

Disappearing Giants: The North Atlantic Right Whale by Scott Kraus and Kenneth Mallory

This book is a great introduction to North Atlantic right whales and includes their history and the threats they currently face. Scott Kraus has been researching North Atlantic right whales since 1980 and is currently the Vice President of Research at the New England Aquarium and this book was published by Bunker Hill Publishing in association with the aquarium.

purchase info: Better World Books

North Atlantic Right Whales: From Hunted Leviathan to Conservation Icon by David W. Laist

This is a comprehensive book about North Atlantic right whales written by David W. Laist, a senior policy and program analyst with the US Marine Mammal Commission. It contains a detailed history of these whales and the problems they face today. From stories of individual rescues to details of their evolutionary history, this book is great for anyone looking for a wealth of heavily-researched, authoritative information on these whales.

purchase info: Good Reads | AbeBooks

childrens books

Learning about all the life that we share the planet with is very important, especially at an early age. One of the greatest gifts you can give to any children in your life is a book that teaches and inspires them. They can learn very important life lessons and use their imaginations to dream about a better world - and have the knowledge to help create that better world. Just one good book can spark an interest in whales that lasts a lifetime and inspire them to join efforts to protect them. Many of the books listed below feature species other than whales but they all have great stories of compassion, adventure and friendship that contain important and wholesome life lessons. These books have influenced us and got us on the path we're on today as we work to protect life in the oceans. We hope you'll check them out and share the list with friends and family.

Wendy Whale: A Tale of a Huge Creature by Suzanne Tate

Wendy Whale is from Suzanne Tate's Nature Series and teaches kids about the biology of right whales and the problems they face today. The story of Wendy and her calf is also based on a true event from 2012 when researchers documented a Southern right whale adopting an orphaned calf.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Tammy Turtle: A Tale of Saving Sea Turtles by Suzanne Tate

Another great book from the Nature Series, Tammy Turtle teaches young readers about the biology of sea turtles, the problems they face from humans and how good people can help fix those problems. The book also contains a good lesson on learning from the past and why protecting good traditions is so important.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Mary Manatee: A Tale of Sea Cows

Mary Manatee is a great book that teaches children about manatees and why it's important to protect them. There are also great lessons on taking responsibility for mistakes and listening to your parents when they're giving you advice about staying safe. The wonderful illustrations from James Melvin, the illustrator of all the books in Suzanne Tate's Nature Series, pair up perfectly with her warm stories that contain such good lessons. The three books of hers that we have listed here are particularly relevant to protecting the life in our oceans, especially Wendy Whale as it focuses on right whales, but there are many more books in her Nature Series that are great for young readers as well.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Farewell to Shady Glade by Bill Peet

Famous children's book author and illustrator Bill Peet, a former animator for Walt Disney Animation Studios, dedicated this book to Rachel Carson - author of the legendary book Silent Spring that helped create the modern environmental movement. Farewell to Shady Glade is a great story with wonderful illustrations that shows the consequences of the bad things that humans have done to the world but with a message of hope that lets children know that it's not too late to change for the better as long as we understand what's wrong and work together to create a better world for all the species that inhabit the planet.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

The Wump World by Bill Peet

Bill Peet makes our list again with The Wump World, a great story of hope and resilience against all odds with classic Bill Peet illustrations that are just wonderful and truly make the story. The Wump World is a book we highly recommend and is one that inspires us to keep fighting for these whales in the hopes that they can make it long enough for humans to finally stop causing so much damage to this world.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Little Polar Bear by Hans de Beer

The first in a great series, Little Polar Bear is a true classic. Wonderful illustrations top off the great story of adventure, teamwork, compassion and friendship. This is a great book that kids will remember and go back to for years to come.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

The Moonrat and the White Turtle by Helen Ward

A great story of adventure written and brilliantly illustrated by Helen Ward with an important lesson about respect for the sacred creatures we share the planet with. It's also an inspiring story of redemption and hope that those of all ages can appreciate.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Stanley: Henry Bear's Friend by David McPhail

A wonderful story of adventure and friendship that's written and illustrated by David McPhail, this is the second of three books in the Henry Bear series (the first one published was 'Henry Bear's Park' but this book is actually a prequel to that one). Filled with warmth and exquisite illustrations, Stanley and his adventures will make a positive and lasting impression on young readers.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

I'll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm

A classic book that children, especially those who have dogs, will relate to and understand. I'll Always Love You is a touching book that reminds us to cherish those we care about and to always tell them that we love them.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon by Cynthia Ryland

This is one of our favorites in the classic Henry and Mudge series. Young readers will love Henry and Mudge's adventures and relate to the loyalty and love that they have for each other.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Napoleon's Rainbow by Robin James

One of the books in Stephen Cosgrove and Robin James' Serendipity series, Napoleon's Rainbow has wonderful lessons of love and acceptance and shows the potential consequences of mistrust and fear if it's left unchecked.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea by Cynthia Rylant

This is a wonderful story of friendship and dealing with loneliness that provides a great message about supporting animal shelters. The book also teaches kids about respecting those who are older, a lesson we feel is important in today's temporary, fast-paced culture. It's so important to respect knowledge and learn from those who have seen more of the world than we have.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks

The Dog Who Found Christmas by Linda Jennings

This is a great book that shows the consequences when people are irresponsible and mean but shows the great things that can happen when those who care take responsibility and do the right thing. A heartwarming story about how everyone, human and dogs alike, deserve respect and a nice home - especially at Christmas.

purchase info: GoodReads | AbeBooks