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We have curated a selection of videos on North Atlantic right whales ranging from informational films to news reports to footage of rescues. Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to learn about these whales and preserve this knowledge for future generations.


New England Aquarium Right Whale Research Program - YouTube Channel

The North Atlantic Right Whale - Dr. Michael Moore, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

North Atlantic Right Whale Surface Active Group

Public Service Announcements:

NOAA PSA - North Atlantic Right Whale: Stay 500 Yards Away


Disentanglement of Ruffian (Catalog #3530) - January 6, 2017

Footage of the fishing gear taken off of Ruffian - January 6, 2017

Disentanglement of FDR (Catalog #4057) - February 17, 2014

Three whales at the surface at Jordan Basin in the Gulf of Maine

Three North Atlantic right whales are visible at the surface at Jordan Basin in the Gulf of Maine. A fourth whale is visible just below the surface at lower left.
Photo credit: NOAA News 123108 - full size photo